Saturday 16 September 2023

Ruuvia ja vasaraa

 Paperisuikaleista tää lähti ja ne kävikin kivasti tuohon  Gummipanin  stanssiin.Tekstipaperia taustalle ja mustat kehykset.Ruuvipäiset haaraniitit ja wellumille kiinnitetty ääriviivatarra teksti

Osallistun haasteisiin.


  1. Perfect colours and images for a male card, many thanks for sharing it with us at Allsorts and following the Masculine optional theme.

    B x

  2. Very creative! I love the small touches, such as the nails....Fabulous. Thank you so much for joining us at 613 Avenue and I look forward to seeing your work again

    ~Tamara (DT)

  3. A great design for a male themed card, love those Polaroid die cut frames. Thanks for sharing at Allsorts this week.

  4. Gorgeous, Bisse, LOVE these tools - they look amazing! Beautiful design as well, such great papers behind the tools, and love those screw heads, too! Thanks so much for playing at Make My Monday!

  5. thanks for creating a wonderful card to share with us at MMM

  6. Lovely masculine card. Thank you for joining in the Crafty Calendar Challenge this month.
    Liz xx


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