Tuesday 18 April 2023

Lila hääteema

 Tämä on todella vanha leima .En edes muista enää valmistajaa.Tämä aika monessa hääkirtissani kuvana.

Tausta tehty kohokuviotaskulla ja korosettu  kultaisella musteella. Kehys leikattu kartongista ja kuviollisesta kultapaperista.Koristeltu puolihelmin.Hääpari väritetty Derwent Intense kynillä.

Onnittelu teksti: Heidin korttipajasta 


  1. This is so adorable and love the framing of the image. Thank you for joining in at Allsorts challenge.

  2. Sweet wedding scene and lovely embossing and frame. Thank you for joining the Allsorts challenge.

  3. this is a great frame card that you've created for our challenge at MMM - we hope to see you again soon!

  4. Ah, a perfect wedding scene for some Spring goodness! This little couple is adorable, and such an elegant frame! Thanks so much for playing at Retro Rubber!

  5. A lovely wedding card and such a pretty frame, many thanks for sharing at Allsorts challenge this week.

    B x

  6. What a lovely wedding card! I love the frame. Thanks for playing with us at Retro Rubber this time. Claire DT x

  7. Hi! Gorgeous card! Thank you so much for joining out Frame it! challenge at MMMChallenge Blog.


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