Sunday 6 January 2019

Kukkia ja sydän.


  1. A beautiful creation for our hearts and flowers creation at Allsorts challenge, thank you so much for joining in.

    B x

  2. Lovely design, pretty flowers and very striking colours. Thank you for playing along at Crafty Calendar this month

  3. This is so beautiful and you can see how much love and time you put into this project. Love all the gold details, especially the flowers and leaves and the white heart die-cut is so intricate too. Its a stunning card and I'm so glad you joined us at TIME OUT!

  4. Onpas kauniita yksityiskohtia! En ole ennen tainnut nähdä vellumia ja ääriviivatarroja yhdistettynä, hyvin toimii ja väritys näytää kauniilta! Hyvin sopii kaikki kortin osaset yhteen. Kiitos kun osallistuit Time Out haasteeseen!

  5. Ihana kortti.
    Kiitos kun olet mukana Allsorts haasteessa;-))m

  6. This is a stunning card, Bisse! Very romantic and elegant and a wonderful use of snippets!! Hugs, Darnell

  7. Gosh, what a beautiful card! It must have taken ages to make but so worth all the time and trouble for such a stunning result!

    Do remember to leave me a comment over on the challenge if you're playing for the snippets prize - I need to know for sure that you're playing for the prize - as well as the fun of the playground of course! :)


    Di xx


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