Tuesday 27 March 2018

Kukkia kevääseen


  1. This must have taken so long to colour, its absolutely beautiful!! Love the colours you used along with the flowers and the ornate frame around them really makes them the star. I'm so glad you shared this with us at TIME OUT!

  2. beautiful card! Thank you for playing along with us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge!

  3. Super colouring of this fabulous flower arrangement and great card design! Thank you so much for sharing your fabulous Spring card with us over at Sparkles Monthly this month, I do hope you'll join us again soon, love Jacky x
    Sparkles DT

  4. Tosi kaunis väritys, aivan ihanan kesäinen leimakuva! Hienoja yksityiskohtia ja värien kirjoa kortissasi! Kiitos kun osallistuit Time Out haasteeseen.

  5. This is really colourful & beautiful bissecat. Thank you so much for sharing your loverly creation with us at Sparkles Monthly Challenges.
    Cathy DT Member

  6. Oh, how beautiful! Your flowers are colored so beautifully. This is just stunning!!! Great take on the challenge, thank you so much for participating this time over at the Mod Squad Challenge
    Judy~ Mod Squad Challenge Designer
    {Judy's Happy Place} Stop by and see me!!!


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